Illustrating Progress


Prioritize your wants , seam these

You’ll see illuminating colors , of your choice

An instant gratification , shouldering an angle

Angles at most times ; the many outlines of Illustrations

to the Conceptualization of what you truly needs .

In your Wants and Needs

See it all fall into the right places , so begin with ;

Kind you must to the state of Desiring ,

If you are intent on knowing your fate ?

Destiny are to revolve from the third persons ; perspectives , the and the

Desire must be on the sides of kindness ;

bright flames to brighten paths

of others , to show you … that ;

the darkening truths are simply , merely an added features of life ;

and to synchronize ideals ; green robust state of acquiring …

must be at the focus of rooting , for healings and preventions .


Know deeply of your wants ,

There lies a simplest truth of Circ.Access

The point is to return , is the receiving ends of the point taken , as the given is always awake , while sleeping is a gratitude ,

… a continuation of dreams , awaken to rejoice the bright flames ,

the possibilities are limitless ; as that very limitations are to segregate intuitions and focuses

here you will unite the very essence of yourself , about knowing yourself amongst ,

the depth in the Prioritizing

brightening to radiate Paths onto it’s own propensities

The You and The I , at the best balance to ignite ,

Visuals of Progression .




In all of the abstracts of emotions

there is a choice ,

The Free Will


the incremental knowledge

to where your critical thinking

are seamed with , into your Focus

In tune to your Light and Shadows ,

Structures and Foundations

the abstract of your Emotions

Yes , there is a choice

for the make of Truth to seek out believability

Creativity in solutions are nuzzling in these Choices


Like a child sleeping in peace with care of good parenting

Awakened gently with Revelations about to revolve in his / her own Focus ; as the sentient grows

fracted.norm ; definitive

In their kingdoms , the children would have their own mind chambers , to kind and be compassionate as when the education are learned together , as their awareness to remind themselves of alikeness to each other ; ….

The Leading minds , the teachers and the students ; the new generations would eventually be with the 3rd eyes , of spectrum and clarity to revealing answers tuning always for new and fresh updates .

The Deciphering Span


what one can do without

is what one could understand to be with

within , there are lessons

Perpetual Knowledge

the essences ; kind to Dynamics

elucidations of Respect

what one could be with ,

your depth in Gratefulness

is the ; what one couldn’t imagine to be without


above is the start of your Insights

Perceptive minds for ; it takes one to know one

In bigger numbers , the teaching lesson in mere methods

Grace for the younger generations

Words in Potentialities and great focus .

Structuring the Open Zeroes


Those emptiness do not teach you anything

And yet , anything is about something

Relatively , Many from A One

The One is the Something

objectification of anything , the revolving state

° the foundation °

the forming ideas

effects and causes

It shows you the start of your Nothing

By Goodness , you will remember to how you began ,

If you seek , by goodness ; the beginning were with details ; details are with open zeroes

your open zeroes are with Potentialities

And yes , those emptiness does not teach

and yet , life is about filling your moments

into translations from yourself , in out

and of knowledge and your experiences

lessons learned , your paraphrases of methods

° the foundation °

the living sea in your time being alive

It is in the reaching out , from the emptiness within


the teaching was from the awareness

of only having Nothing , indeed as a step forward

choices within , much appreciated from fellowmen

to begin with loving and care for selves ; as the foundation of your own understanding about Earth and it’s inhabitants .

as the start ; the illusion of what have you

the structuring of the reigning for kinder supremacy

of our own Humanity .

The Reflecting Three



In Definition

The Completions are with The Odd

to define is an adequacy in precision

thus , it is not complete if it’s not to evolved

it will do however ;

in moments and lifetimes

to age the Seven in Growth

and that ,

in births and deaths

are to revolve , the singularity is

the becoming

plateauing of the Peaks


Adequacies in Precision ?

Minimalist in best effects

… and those results as branches of possibilities .

And in Solutions , …

Essence Deep



In talented minds

There is a rush , torrents

like river water ; heading

In seeking , the creative in a child

for the depth in an open space within

the spirals , the pivots and angles of the budding minds

are orbiting

the center , central to the making of habits and focus


your roots in Preferences

Focus in best References .


that big tree


Multi Task

always the stand in the center

as the layers are paralleling , unravelling

into Order


… and your love


onto the center , the resting seers are there

Reflecting Three

skill sharpening ; intuitively a state

torrents , heading thus the talents , guiding

Brightness on depth in open spaces

circle centers

the inner child in everyone .


and as your focus starts to have a preference

the unravelling layers of references ,

facilitations and the awakening of Potentials


Reflecting ,

Three Reflecting Brightness in Depth




Yes , calm in knowing the rush in torrents

when it is yourself have accepted

the state of your own Depth in Focus


essence deep .

You Awake With



Your humanity will find better reasonings

into where you are to sleep

As you closed your eyes for the night .


Entering the world of abstractions

What your eyes had seen when opened

The light within , is the automatic addresser

When , as your knowledge begins to refer

To find the make of respect in your own Within

To listen for best equalization , this will become a need

In the peaks to notch ; In the lows , for presence … In the highs , for the silence and peace you wish to depict

Your interpretations will exude

your own self love

In how , the why into reasonings

the interpretation to “where” you are on this Earth

Is where you decide to stay ; you awake with ,

Reasonings, matters of applications , a flip switch

Decisions with Interpretations ; On

Off ; Intellections Always to reside , In Further




The Autonomous


Ampere Regulators in Circuitries

Within Good Reasons

Coming from Better Reinterpretation

Sleep to Awake , new ; every time


As you opened your eyes

The Abstractions are with The Truest Structures

Your state of referrals

In respect , respectively

to how you see yourself

The Order

For the Best in Representations



Come Now

With your warm hands ,





… of Meanings ,

begin with the re~associations of words ; the paths of your lights , the brights will show you your numbers as in successions ,

darkness is a tool for mere focus ,


the telling tales of experiences and intellects .


your progressions for the shedding or to append , in your Roots

for new Reflectivity and Intuitions


The Eventual Third




The theory of the mind

begin with the clarity in the Why

{ for the Whence you began to associate the stringing actions through practicality √ ~ ° in functions and forms and the eventual state of • ~ }

to color




securities , confidence and ultimately your sincerity

for your light within , The Paths

bright or darkness ; the associations

practicality is to intend

from the front to the back ends

the intentions will be with your intuitions

mere methods , studious ; The Tools


the lights will always be bright

such as pleasantries and comfort zones

and darkness will be always be with familiarities

the seers are compassionate souls

the seeing is always about restructuring

familiarities and comfort zones

? √ should you ever be in doubt ,

° π °

the theories are to root

in your deep breaths and your Knowing ,


) ° (

The Peaker


Within the layers ,

The boarding in , on the in~circuits , there are terraces , Upon the folds of rivers ;

° In Time °


. stacked up in the order of perfected expectation ,
in design hoped to no humanity ,
could ever compete with ,
pre~determination is future steel ,
instructed to reach the where into the Quiet when ,
multi tasking chips , independently

Our designs
The fleets of Flaws only a revelation
for at best , the perfections
the orbiting Connectives , resolving
Revolving , eventually in tandem
To align .


° On Time °


. . successfully in full working order ;

tall rooting ever so slowly but surely ,
memorizing with that perfect machinery in Clarity ,
Of the how the ‘ When ‘ and it’s silence
gets it’s full clarification ,
for …
quietest for ‘he’ who roots and clarify the best ;
Within The Many Layers ,
Gets to initiate the start of the Good , … at the very least , Move the few hills into …

°•. Vibrating thus the Ideas .•°

° With Time °

. for a Mountain , One , indeed , and that for the many more .

symbolically … perfected


are to connect . . . . . . . .


pineal glands

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